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Códigos / Codes

A3: dnwhqof

B4: z635rus

La Música de Latinoamérica y España 
La Salsa - Puerto Rico
El Mambo - Cuba
El tango - Argentina
La cumbia - Colombia
El merengue - La República Dominicana
La Bachata - La República Dominicana
El Son - Cuba
El Flamenco - España

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Made with Padlet

Examen: Escape cubano

Tema #1: Retell the beginning of the story. Talk about Miguel, his family, where he lives, who his friends are, and what he likes to do. Explain the conflict introduced at the beginning of the book. How do Miguel, his mom, and his dad feel about it?

Tema #2: Retell the part of the story when the family goes to the beach, boards the raft, and gets ready to leave. How does each character feel about this plan? Who ends up actually getting on the raft? What problems do they have?

Tema #3: Compare your life to Miguel’s life. Do this by discussing things about Cuba that you’ve learned in class. Talk about what you like, what you want, what you fear versus what we know about Miguel.